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Posts Tagged ‘gifts’

  1. Today is my birthday!

    May 6, 2009 by Sunit Nandi

    Hello everyone!

    I am back to write again here. Well, today was my birthday. Before I tell what happened to me today, I would like to say what I was doing the days before.

    I was busy with my day to day activities, tackling homework and preparing for the boards. On Saturday, I went for an eye checkup and found that my myopia had increased by -2 in both eyes. I asked the doc how I could get rid of it, she only replied that I can do so only when I turn 18. There is a long time…

    And today was a very good day for me. I had bought about 200 chocolate bars to distribute among my friends and teachers in the school. I distributed everything and was left with none. However, my classmates kept demanding for more and more! The other section was planning to give a me a gift (god knows what!). Also, my friends were giving me so much attention, that I had never got till this day. We were busily cracking jokes about various people right under the nose of the teacher, and forgot how the day flew by.

    Whatever it is, as I am writing this entry sitting at home. I do feel a little sad as it is a day when I have finished up 15 years of my life. We all do not live forever.

    Anyway, take care and enjoy yourself!